Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Alayna & Selena

Alayna & Selena

12 August 2012 at 2:37 the girls arrived! Alayna was 6 pounds 11 oz and Selena was 6 pounds 5 oz.

We were in our way back from the airport picking up my mom when Matt called saying he took Courtney to the hospital because she was having blurry vision. Her blood pressure was really high so they decided to do an emergency c-section.

We got there just when they the girls got to the nursery. Alayna had fluid around her lungs and in her stomach so so they put a tube down into her stomach and she was on oxygen. We did not get to hold her, just sooth her.  We did get to hold Selena. Missie arrived at the hospital before we did and she put herself to work! She also got to give Selena her first bath.

Yesterday they removed the tubes from Alayna and she is off of the oxygen.

Courtney lost some blood and had preeclampsia and was in ICU for a few days.
She is doing much better. I felt bad because she only got to see her babies for a few minutes before they took them away.

Last night Courtney was feeling much better and they brought both the girls to see her.

Today they finally moved her to a maternity room and she will be able to have visitors‘. If she is up to it I might go see her.